Part 74: Final Sidequest Interlude: Part One
Sidequest Interlude One
As you probably guessed, the developers of this game figured it would be a
brilliant idea to create a plethora of sidequests that can't be started until you've set foot in the final dungeon. What's more, many of these quests are sort of staged out in such a way that they unlock bit by bit as you get further into the final dungeon.

In an attempt to both keep the pacing somewhat intact, as well as not overload you with a mega update of sidequests near the end or even after the final dungeon, I'll be interspersing our regular update schedule with a handful of interludes to cover everything.
Also none of this update is voiced, so there are no videos.
Let's get started, eh?

: Luke... and Guy too, I see. I'm sure you resent an article of your father's being displayed in his killer's house.

: I'd be lying if I said I didn't. But Luke taught me something important. That I can't let myself stay shackled by the past.

: Luke taught you that?

: Yes. Luke once said something about his past memory that he thought he had lost. 'You can't go forward if you keep looking back.' At that time, I was shackled by my past, and to tell the truth, I found those words irritating.

: Then why...

: I decided to make a bet. If the son of my father's killer, the man I hated more than anything, grew into someone who could make me feel loyalty toward him, then perhaps I'd lose my desire for revenge.

: Ah. I remember now. It wasn't long after Luke returned safely from the kidnapping. He said he made a bet with you as to whether he could become an adult worthy of you pledging your sword.

: Right. And Luke won that bet.

: Then you believe Luke has matured into a person of such value?

: I believe he's working hard to be one. That's enough for me. Luke made up his mind to change himself. If he can do it...

: ...Then so can you... I see. In that case, take the sword. And with it, pledge eternal loyalty... no, eternal friendship to Luke.

: Father!

: This child has no father. Not because he is a replica... because I, his father, tried to kill my own son in accordance with the Score. He cannot possibly call me his father.

: You mean the Score that stated Luke would die with Akzeriuth.

: I was always running away from my son. I felt there was no meaning in loving a son who would die one day. Unlike me, you looked after and cared for Luke. You are his brother, his father, his irreplaceable friend.

: ...All right.

: You and I are fine the way we've always been, Guy. More important than that, Father, please return that sword to Guy. It was his father's, right?

: Yes, that was my intention. Guy, allow me to return that sword to its rightful owner... I'm sorry.

: That's wonderful, Guy. You have your father's memento back.

: Yeah. And I also learned that His Grace is really compassionate at heart.

: And that Luke has a bad memory.

: Ugh... I can't help it. I didn't think it was that important of a bet... actually, I still can't remember making it...

: Some friend you are.

: ...Sorry.
I'm really mad that this whole sequence is part of a sidequest, and unvoiced. It is a really pivotal scene in Guy's arc: having the symbol of his hatred returned to him by the man he swore to kill.
It's also a nice little scene of redemption for Duke Fabre. No it doesn't excuse all the terrible things he's done, but he's finally admitting his mistakes and making what small efforts he can to correct them. As much shit as I've given both him and Ingobert (particularly Ingobert), they have both come a long way from the beginning of the game.
Okay, now we're going to wrap up some unfinished business. Remember the cow kid at the Dark Wing's hideout who wanted us to find his siblings? Let's take care of that.

: I-I'm not like that! I don't think...

: Hey, there. You're Yutan, right?

: Huh? What's your problem? What do you want?

: ...He really is similar.

: Hey!

: Elion is worried about you. Come on, let's go home.

: Elion? Oh yeah, I guess I haven't been back in a while. Actually, I kind of forgot.

Do I sound that stupid...? I'd better start being careful...

: I'm not going back yet! There's still a lot of the stuff in the world I need to see!
And he bolts.

: Oh, my! He ran away!

: Oh, don't worry. He didn't sound much brighter than a certain someone he resembles. I'm sure we'll find him again easily.

: ...Don't think I'm so stupid I can't recognize when I'm being made fun of.

: What do you mean? No one said anything about you. Unless you feel you qualify, that is.

: Give it up, Luke. You can't beat him in an argument.

: He's got the wisdom of an old man, after all.
Moving on...

: This is Baticul.

: Oh. How did I wind up here? I wonder if I bought the wrong ticket...

: Did you mean to get on another boat?

: Oh, right. That could be it. By the way, who are you?

: You're Misika, right? Elion asked us to look for you, let's go home together.

: I can't. I have a duty to search for my brother, Yutan.

: Guess we'll have to find Yutan first...

: Oh, it's you! It seems Kelly's daughter has been kidnapped.

: My little Erin...

: They sent a ransom note. We have Erin and the cow-boy. We'll kill them if you tell the Mps. Bring 5,000,000 Gald to the Cheagle Woods.

: Cow-boy... Yutan?!

: My, my. He's gotten himself into a mess, hasn't he?

: How can you sound so unconcerned?! We must hurry and rescue them at once!
You're also dressed like a doctor, a maid, and a cat. I don't think they'll catch on.

: Then we'll have Anise, Jade, and Tear sit this one out. The rest of us will go into the forest and rescue the children. Then we'll give the signal, and you can come in and capture the criminals. How's that sound?

: Hmm, yes... but, even if they do spot you, they shouldn't think you're soldiers.

: Then it's settled! Let us go to the Cheagle Woods at once!
Let's go!

: ...Why did you bring this weirdo along, too?

: ...He followed me.

: That's as far as you go!

: Wh-who's there?!

: W-wait...

: Surrender peacefully and you will not be harmed!

: Wh-who the hell are you people?

: I'm-

: Hey! Don't forget who you are and that you're in Malkuth!

: O-oh, that's right.

: I'm... I'm the Star of Malkuth! The mysterious female thief, the Star of Malkuth!

: There's no need to thank me. You're quite welcome.

: Thank you, Miss Star of Malkuth.

: Mieuuuuuuuu....

: Capture complete.

: We already told you, this is Baticul.

: Oh, yeah.

: Anyway, Elion is waiting for both of you. Let's go back to him.

: ...Heh, sorry. I got a little caught up.

: But we made it back safely.

: Thank you all for finding them. I'd really like to offer you something as thanks...

: I know something good.

: Beats me.

: I see. I have something that will be perfect.

: That looks awesome!

: I understand you work as a female thief, the Star of Malkuth. Yutan informed me.

: Um...

: Heh, no need to be bashful.

: Yeah, it looks good on you!

: That's the outfit worn by the mysterious female thief character in a popular novel.

: My...

: Natalia, if you're embarrassed, you don't have to take it...

: It's wonderful!

: Now I'm a mysterious female thief, too. I do feel a little self-conscious, but it's been my dream ever since I was a child. I'll happily accept it.
I don't think anything dips further into the realm of fan service than this costume. Abyss mercifully has very little of that.
Okay, what's next?
Oh right, time to round off this tragedy of a sidequest. One more book, so let's go bug momma for money.

: Um... well...

: I don't need any shoulder massages or cooking today. How about cleaning the manor?

: If you wish, Mother...

: Ho ho ho ho! I'm joking, Luke. Come here, Maki.

: I heard from Maki that you've been buying back the books that she accidentally disposed of.

: Ugh...

: I had thought it strange for you to volunteer like that.

: Mother... I'm sorry...

: It's all right. I'm happy to see the kindness you've displayed toward Maki. But, Luke, I'd like you to trust me a little more.

: I'm sorry... I thought she'd be fired if Father found out...

: Don't worry. I'll keep this secret deep in my heart. Now, if you're here, that must mean you've found the final book. How much is it?

: ...150,000 gald.

: My. All right. Take this and go buy it back. And from now on, don't keep secrets from your mother. All right?

: Yes, mother.
Sonic Blast is a pretty nice arte. Luke jumps forward to attack his opponent like sonic thrust, but unleashes a blast of energy like rending blast, then jumps back far enough to avoid counter attack. It's hard to combo, but pretty cool to watch.
That's it for Luke's artes, so now we get to finish up Jade's.

: That's a forbidden verse stone...

: Mohs gave it to me!

: Mohs?

: I found it in a room that we were locked in for a really long time. When I left, I asked Mohs if I could have it, and he said yes.

: Oh...

I can't ask him to give it up after hearing that...

: ...Let's give up on this one. We can't force Florian to give up his memories.

: Colonel... thanks.

: You want this rock?

: No, it's okay Florian.

: But... if you really wan tit... it's okay with me.

: Florian, you don't have to force yourself.

: No, you come to play with me, so I want to give it to you.

: All right. Thank you very much.

: Sure! Well, it's time for my lessons now. See you later!

: Heaven's wrath doth fall upon the land of the children of divinity.

: So it really was a forbidden verse stone.

: Yes. I must say, that was very nice the way you treated Florian, Colonel.

: I guess even the Necromancer can't bring himself to pick on an innocent child.

: Oh? It was precisely because of his innocence that I expected him to give me the stone unquestioningly if I spoke like that.

: You're horrible!
Never change, Jade.
The next stone is at Fubras River.

: I'm surprised you were able to see something so small in that monster's mouth.

: Heaven smiles upon me because of my good deeds.
The last one is obtained by checking out this specific pillar in Yulia City.
Oh baby, yes!
Meteor Swarm, if you can't tell, calls down a hoard of giant meteors to crush every opponent on the map. It's an absolute beast of an arte, and a fitting reward for trudging through this cryptic nonsense.
Sheridan next!

: The Albiore really did hold together against anti-aircraft fire!

: Hah hah, yeah.
And instead of then going to stop Van and save the world, we decided to dink around.
When did he ever tell us this? Noelle said she could pilot us through it, but we haven't seen Aston in forever. Whatever.

: Yeah, it was truly impressive.

: But it's still dangerous. If I make any mistakes, all your lives will be in danger... I'd prefer not to have to fly through anti-aircraft fire again.

: Say, Luke, how about we stay the night here? We've put a lot of strain on both Noelle and the Albiore.

: I'm fine. I'm sorry for worrying you.

: Nah, come one, don't say that. Okay, Luke?

: Sure, that's fine with me. Let's rest here today.
It's not like we have any pressing business to attend to, after all.

: We've been pushing you so hard all this time.

: Not at all. You're on an important mission to save the world.

: Hah hah. You're so serious. You need to take a break from time to time. I worry about you.

: Guy...

: Hmm!

: Anise! When did you get here?!

: Shh!! They'll hear us! If Natalia or Tear finds us, they'll be angry!

: I didn't mean to eavesdrop...

: What are you talking about? You're sitting here spying on them, plain as day.

: N-no, I didn't really mean-

: Shh! Quiet!

: What...?

: I've been holding back all this time, but I can't hold back anymore.

: What? Guy....?

: Woo! He's going to tell her he loves her!

: What?! Really?!

: Aaah! Natalia!

: Luke... I cannot condone a member of the Kimlascan royal family engaging in this sort of behavior yet again!

: I didn't mean to!

: I didn't mean to interrupt...

: Gah! Guy! Don't worry about us! You've already come this far. Go ahead and finish it!!

: Yeah, okay! Noelle!

: Y-yes!

: I can't control myself any longer!

: ...Is that a no?
Fon machine mania indeed.

: Thanks, Aston. We'll ask for your help again if something comes up.

: Come on! Let's go! Hurry! Noelle promised to let me fly it. I'm so excited!

: Guy! How could you lead us on and then say something like that?!

: I can't help it! Flying an aircraft is the dream of any fon machine buff! I tried to resist saying it for a long time.

: We're not even on the same wavelength...

: So, Guy, how much longer do you plan to keep wearing that maintenance outfit?

: Hmm? Isn't it great? A worker can keep right on wearing it and use it as a pilot's suit. Man, the Sheridan artisans really know what's up!

: They're not on the same wavelength either...

: Come on! Let's go! Ready, Noelle?

: ...Yeah.
The ride never ends.
Sick of costume titles yet? Too bad! Time to get a whole mess of them! From the best character no less.
It's been time. We decided that Van could wait while we go clothes shopping.

: Yes. None of us has a future if we don't stop Van's scheme now.

: It feels weird thinking I'm fighting for the sake of the world.

: Yes, for me as well. It would be one thing to do it for Malkuth, but to allow myself to be caught up in something like this... it goes against how I've learned to live.

: My! What are you saying?! It is an honor to be able to fight for the sake of the world! You mustn't say such weak-spirited things!

: Uh-oh, it's the schoolmarm!

: I really will lecture you if that's what it takes!

: Hah hah. I think they have a point, though. Natalia and Luke may be royalty, but we aren't.

: We're not exactly regular people, either, though. We're a group of nobles and soldiers.

: Well yeah. But we didn't get to where we are now because everybody set out to save the world, right? Regardless of how things have turned out.

: Yes, we each had our own goals, and in the process of dealing with what was right before our eyes, we've come to this point.

: ...But we can't lose now.

: Yeah. And for that, I have something I want to give you. It's a small present for a brave group of people out to save the world.

: ...Don't tell me you used the national treasury for your personal hobbies again.

: Hey, I got permission from the council for this. This is an apology and thanks for what you did for us when the Outer Lands fell into the Qliphoth. Please accept it.

: ...I guess we can't refuse a sincere offer like that.

: Combat is all about spirit. The cloths you had lacked sufficient spirit for the final battle.

: ...What are you all looking at me like that for? Those clothes are special garments infused with fon power! Well, I suppose I might have toyed around a bit with the design on one or two of them, but hey... don't worry about it too much.
Seriously, you are the best Peony.
Luke gets the Wild Sabre outfit, which makes him look like a Kingdom Hearts character. And not in a good way.
Guy gets the Blade Master outfit, which looks pretty slick.
Tear gets the Cool Chick outfit, which I like a lot.

Jade gets the Evil Fonist? outfit, and yes it is Evil Fonist? with a question mark. It makes him look like Dracula. It's perfect.
Anise gets the Childish outfit, a schoolgirl outfit....
And finally Natalia gets the Imperial Will outfit, which is pretty meh.
One last series of titles. None of these (barring one) are costume titles, but they're interesting dialogues in their own right.
Oh, and let me list the requirements. To get any of these conversations, you have to have fully done the following:
1. Done the Monsters at Engeve sidequest where we fought waves of monsters terrorizing the town.
2. Done the Bridge Construction sidequest, where we gave Astor a million gald to build a bridge.
3. Done the Yulia City Help sidequest, where we gave that whiny guy 5 gels, then 5 rice, then 5 maces.
4. Done the Antlion Man sidequest, up to and including paying for the grab back with all our items and getting Anise the antlion man doll.

: Achievements?

: Eliminating the monsters in Engeve, constructing the Luke Bridge, promoting the increase of regular transport ships.

: Wow, you know everything!

: News like this floats my way on its own, hee hee hee.

: I guess that's to be expected from the man who controls Chesedonia.

: But thanks to Chesedonia, the economy is active.

: Yes, despite the chaos in the world, they've managed to pull things back together.

: I was motivated by your efforts. Everywhere I went, I heard stories about you.

: Uh-oh, Luke. It sounds like he sees you as a rival.

: Huh?

: You don't intend to stop now, I presume? I'm not going to let myself fall behind, either. I still have to recoup my investment in the increased shipping frequency, after all.

: Oh, really? Well, we can't turn down a challenge, can we, Luke?

: ...Whatever, jeez.
At this point, we can go around and get a title for every body. Down the line:

: Mother...

: You've grown so much compared to how you were when you were trapped in the manor. I wasn't in favor of your sword training. But I saw how full of life you looked while swinging your sword. And now you're maturing as you travel the world with your friends.

: Mother I...

: It's all right. A child's growth is a parent's greatest joy. Everyone, I apologize for all the trouble Luke brings you. Please continue to look after him.

: Yes, after the peace treaty, the flow of people has changed as well. And also...

: And also?

: Thanks to the Luke Bridge, Sheridan and Belkend are now on friendly terms.

: The 'Luke Bridge' huh...

: I think it's a fine name. It's a great honor to have a bridge named after oneself.

: Hmm... I just can't get used to it.

: I admire the decision you made.

: ...You're the admirable one, Natalia. You're always dedicated to fulfilling your duty.

: No, I still have a long way to go. I have to build a better nation for the people who live here!

: As passionate as always.

: Is that a compliment? Or sarcasm?

: A c-compliment, of course!

: Oh really? Your face didn't show that.
This is the only costume title from this segment.
It's the dress she had on when we first saw her at the beginning of the game, before she joined the party.

: Oh, it's you, Tear. What's with that face?

: I'd thought you'd forgotten something again.

: Of course not. I won't screw up by forgetting anything anymore.

: I wonder...

: Just think for a minute. All the Outer Lands have dropped. Ships can get to Yulia City now. It won't matter when I forget things.

: You're not solving the problem at all...

: But it really is amazing how we can just travel to and from the rest of the world normally now.

: Yes, it would have been unimaginable before.

: Yulia City was all there was. Everywhere you looked there was miasma, as far as the eye could see. I guess we owe it to you, huh?

: Me?

: You're part of the reason the world got this way, right?

: It wasn't me. It was Luke... I mean, my friends.

: Well, whatever the case, I'm grateful. Thanks.

: What made you say this all of a sudden?

: Even when I forget to replenish supplies, I'll be able to go buy them fast, so I won't get in trouble anymore.

: Brother! Yes, I have a lot on my hands.

: Is there a problem?

: No, nothing like that. Since the peace treaty signing, the number of people wanting to move to this city has skyrocketed.

: Sounds like a good thing to me.

: But a sudden increase in population brings with it a variety of problems.

: Exactly. That's why we've temporarily halted immigration.
See, if we stopped all those dirty Kimlascans from hopping the border and stealing all our jobs, all our problems would be over!

: So it's not all good when you get more people, huh.

: Right. Though tourism has increased as well, so it's helped the treasury. We owe this to you, too, don't we.

: Really, Jade?

: Hmm... yes. I suppose the actions we've taken for the sake of our objectives may have had indirect effects.

: Even if that's the reason, the world couldn't have changed without the benefits of your tireless efforts.

: ...I-it's not like we did it for the thanks or anything. You don't have to...

: You really aren't used to compliments, are you? This sort of thing is polite flattery, so just accept it gratefully and feel good about it. And besides, to tell the truth, I think you're doing a good job. All of you.

: Jade...

: Heh heh. You too, brother.

: My, my. Now I'm being flattered as well.

: Really? We've come this way before.

: Boo! You're dense, Luke! The world's trade flow has changed, so the flow of people has, too. And it looks like there are more pilgrims now. So the impression it makes changes every day, you know?

: Well, yeah, I guess... but it's still the same church.

: *sigh* You really are dense, Luke. You're hopeless.

: Stop calling me dense!

: But it's true! Of course, that may just be the sort of trait that tickles the fancy of an intelligent, caring woman.

: ...What the heck are you talking about?

: Heh heh. You haven't noticed, huh? You really are dense!

: I can't believe they built something like that on top of this cliff.

: Yeah, but I admire their dream. The people here are all truly alive.

: You get pretty lively yourself when you come here.

: Hah hah. Yeah, I guess so. But your face has really brightened up since you began this journey, too.

: Y-you think so?

: Yeah... you've worked really hard, Luke.

: ...Guy. I...

: Hah hah, don't start crying now. It's not all over yet.

: I-I'm not crying!

: Okay, now that we're warmed up, let's go check out the fon machinery they're making!

: ...You should just move here, Guy.
Whew, that was a lot.
Next Time: The Meaning of Birth
No Synopsis for this update.